What is Shamanic Healing?

In the vast realm of alternative healing practices, shamanic healing stands out as a profound and ancient modality that taps into the realms of the spiritual and energetic. Rooted in indigenous cultures across the globe, shamanic healing offers a unique approach to addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. In this blog post, we will delve into the depths of shamanic healing, exploring its origins, principles, and the transformative power it holds.

Understanding Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing is a spiritual practice that harnesses the wisdom of ancient traditions, connecting individuals with the spirit world. Shamans, the practitioners of this ancient art, act as intermediaries between the physical and spiritual realms, facilitating healing, guidance, and transformation. At its core, shamanic healing acknowledges the interconnectedness of all things and seeks to restore harmony and balance.

Shamanic Healing Principles

Connection with Nature

Shamanic healing recognizes the inherent connection between humans and nature. It emphasises the importance of aligning oneself with the rhythms and energies of the natural world.

Energy and Spirit Work

Shamanic healing acknowledges the existence of subtle energies and unseen forces. Practitioners work with these energies to restore balance, clear blockages, and facilitate healing.

Journeying and Ceremony

Shamanic healing often involves altered states of consciousness, achieved through various techniques such as drumming, chanting, and plant medicine. These practices enable shamans to access the spirit world and receive guidance.

Shamanic Healing Techniques

a) Soul Retrieval: Shamanic healers believe that trauma and emotional distress can cause a fragmentation of the soul. Soul retrieval involves journeying into the spirit world to retrieve lost fragments of the soul, bringing about healing and wholeness.

b) Extraction: This technique involves removing energy blockages, intrusive energies, or spiritual attachments that may be causing physical or emotional ailments.

c) Divination: Shamans can engage in divination practices to seek guidance and insight. This may involve working with oracle cards, animal spirits, or other divination tools.

d) Ritual and Ceremony: Shamanic healing often incorporates rituals and ceremonies to honor the spirits, set intentions, and create sacred space for healing. 

Benefits of Shamanic Healing

  • Emotional healing and release of trauma
  • Spiritual growth and connection
  • Increased self-awareness and personal transformation
  • Restoration of balance and harmony
  • Empowerment and empowerment to take control of one's life
  • Guidance and insight in navigating life's challenges

Shamanic healing is a profound and transformative spiritual practice that holds immense potential for healing and growth. By embracing the ancient wisdom of indigenous cultures, individuals can tap into the power of the spirit world and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. Whether seeking emotional healing, spiritual growth, or a connection with the divine, shamanic healing offers a path towards restoration, balance, and wholeness.

Remember, if you're interested in exploring shamanic healing, it's important to seek out experienced and reputable practitioners who honor the traditions and ethics associated with this ancient practice.

The health benefits of shamanic healing?

In today's fast-paced and stressful world, individuals are seeking alternative methods to achieve holistic healing and well-being. Among the ancient practices that have gained popularity in recent years is shamanic healing. Rooted in indigenous wisdom and spirituality, shamanic healing offers a unique approach to addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. In this blog post, we will delve into the health benefits of shamanic healing and how it can unlock the potential for deep personal growth and transformation. 

1. Emotional Healing and Stress Reduction

One of the primary benefits of shamanic healing lies in its ability to facilitate emotional healing and reduce stress. Through ceremonies, rituals, and the use of sacred plants, shamanic practitioners guide individuals into altered states of consciousness, allowing them to access deep-seated emotions and traumas. By acknowledging and releasing these emotions, individuals can experience relief, emotional catharsis, and a renewed sense of inner peace. Shamanic healing techniques such as soul retrieval and energy clearing can help to restore emotional balance and promote overall well-being.

2. Physical Healing and Pain Management

Shamanic healing recognizes the mind-body-spirit connection and views physical ailments as manifestations of underlying imbalances in the energetic body. By channeling healing energy and working with the body's energy centers, known as chakras, shamanic practitioners can help to restore harmony and facilitate physical healing. Shamanic healing has been known to alleviate chronic pain, accelerate the healing process after surgery or injury, and boost the immune system. It complements conventional medicine by addressing the root causes of illness and promoting overall wellness.

3. Spiritual Connection and Inner Growth

Shamanic healing is deeply rooted in spiritual practices and aims to reconnect individuals with their higher selves and the divine. Through shamanic journeys, participants can access altered states of consciousness and explore the depths of their subconscious mind. This allows for profound personal insights, spiritual awakenings, and a deepened sense of purpose and connection to the universe. Shamanic healing provides a sacred space for individuals to explore their spirituality, cultivate mindfulness, and foster a stronger connection with the natural world.

4. Release of Trauma and Emotional Baggage

Unresolved trauma and emotional baggage can weigh heavily on individuals, hindering their personal growth and well-being. Shamanic healing offers a powerful avenue for releasing and healing these past wounds. Through techniques such as soul retrieval and extraction, shamanic practitioners assist individuals in reclaiming lost parts of themselves and removing negative energies or entities that may be blocking their progress. This release of trauma allows individuals to move forward with a renewed sense of lightness, clarity, and empowerment.

5. Ancestral Healing and Lineage Clearing

Shamanic healing recognizes the intergenerational impact of unresolved issues within our lineage. Ancestral healing involves addressing and healing patterns, traumas, and unresolved emotions that have been passed down through generations. By working with ancestral guides and accessing the wisdom of our ancestors, shamanic healing allows individuals to break free from inherited limitations and create a new legacy of healing and wholeness.

What to Expect from Shamanic Healing: A Journey of Transformation

Shamanic healing is an ancient and powerful practice that taps into the realms of energy, spirit, and nature to facilitate healing and transformation. If you're new to shamanic healing or considering embarking on this path, it's natural to wonder what to expect from your journey. In this blog post, we will explore the principles, techniques, and benefits of shamanic healing, giving you a glimpse of what lies ahead.

1. Connection with Nature and Spirit

At the heart of shamanic healing is the belief in the interconnectedness of all things. Shamans understand that everything in the universe, including humans, animals, plants, and spirits, is part of a greater whole. During a shamanic healing session, you can expect to deepen your connection with nature and tap into the wisdom of the spirits. This connection acts as a catalyst for healing, helping you align with the natural flow of life and access your own inner resources.

2. Energy and Spirit Work

Shamans work with energy and spirit to bring about healing and balance. Through various techniques such as drumming, chanting, and rattling, they enter an altered state of consciousness where they can access different dimensions and communicate with spirit guides and power animals. During a shamanic healing session, you may experience the shaman working with your energy field, clearing blockages, and restoring harmony within your body, mind, and spirit.

3. Journeying and Ceremony

Journeying is a fundamental practice in shamanic healing. It involves entering a trance-like state to explore non-ordinary reality and gain insights from the spirit world. During a journey, you may encounter spirit allies, receive guidance, or gain a deeper understanding of your challenges and purpose. Ceremonies are also an integral part of shamanic healing, allowing for deep transformation, healing, and integration of experiences.

4. Techniques of Shamanic Healing

Shamanic healing encompasses a variety of techniques that are tailored to individual needs. Some common techniques include:

Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval is a powerful technique used to retrieve lost parts of the soul or essence that may have become fragmented due to trauma or difficult life experiences. The shaman journeys to locate and bring back these lost parts, facilitating wholeness and healing.


Extraction involves removing energy blockages, intrusions, or negative entities from a person's energy field. The shaman uses specialized tools or their own energetic abilities to extract and release stagnant or harmful energies, allowing for the restoration of balance and vitality.


Divination is a practice used to gain insights, guidance, and answers to questions. The shaman may use various divination tools such as cards, stones, or bones to interpret messages from the spirit realm and provide clarity and direction.


Rituals are sacred and symbolic acts performed with intention and purpose. They can range from simple ceremonies to elaborate rituals, designed to honor the spirits, invoke healing energies, or mark important life transitions. Rituals help create a sacred space for healing, transformation, and spiritual connection.

5. Healing, Growth, and Transformation

Shamanic healing is a holistic approach that addresses the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of an individual. It can bring about profound healing, personal growth, and transformation. By working with the underlying causes of imbalances and dis-ease, shamanic healing helps release old patterns, heal past traumas, and restore harmony within oneself and with the world around.

6. Finding a Reputable Practitioner

When seeking shamanic healing, it's essential to find a reputable practitioner who honors the traditions and ethics of this ancient practice. Look for practitioners who have undergone proper training, have a deep understanding of shamanic principles, and have experience working with clients. Trust your intuition and choose someone who resonates with you and creates a safe and supportive space for your healing journey.

Shamanic healing offers a unique and transformative path to healing, growth, and spiritual awakening. By connecting with nature, working with energy and spirit, and engaging in rituals and ceremonies, you can expect to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and personal transformation. Remember to approach this practice with an open heart, trust the process, and find a knowledgeable and trustworthy practitioner to guide you along the way. May your shamanic healing journey be one of profound healing, empowerment, and connection with the sacred.

What Does Shamanic Healing Cost? 

Shamanic healing has gained popularity in recent years as people seek alternative methods to heal and restore balance in their lives. As individuals explore the world of shamanism, one common question that arises is, "What does shamanic healing cost?" In this blog post, we will delve into the various aspects that contribute to the cost of shamanic healing and explore the value it holds for those who embark on this transformative path.

Shamanic healing goes beyond addressing physical ailments; it encompasses the holistic well-being of an individual, addressing emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects. It is a deeply transformative and personalized journey that requires the practitioner to tap into the unseen realms and work with spiritual allies to facilitate healing.

Shamanic healing involves a significant investment of time and energy from both the practitioner and the client. A shamanic healing session typically lasts for a couple of hours, during which the practitioner enters a trance-like state to access the spiritual realms. This requires the practitioner to undergo rigorous training and preparation, which is reflected in the cost of their services.

Shamanic practitioners undergo extensive training and apprenticeships to develop their skills and gain the knowledge necessary to facilitate healing. The years of study and practice contribute to the expertise and wisdom that a practitioner brings to their work. The cost of shamanic healing reflects the practitioner's investment in their training and experience.

Shamanic healing often involves the use of various tools and resources, such as drums, rattles, feathers, crystals, and herbs. These materials are integral to the healing process and may require financial investment from the practitioner. The cost of shamanic healing may include the expenses associated with acquiring and maintaining these tools.

The cost of shamanic healing can vary depending on the geographical location and the demand for the practitioner's services. In areas where shamanic healing is more prevalent or in high demand, the cost may be higher due to the limited availability of qualified practitioners. It is essential to consider the reputation and training of the practitioner rather than solely focusing on the cost.

When considering the cost of shamanic healing, it is crucial to shift the perspective from a monetary investment to the value of transformation and growth offered by the practice. Shamanic healing has the potential to bring profound changes to one's life, helping individuals navigate challenges, release emotional blockages, and connect with their true essence. The value of this transformation is immeasurable and extends far beyond the financial aspect.

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