Released in 1905 which was 15 years after it was originally made. It is Lullaby style music played on a soft melodic piano. The piece was originally wrote by a French man called Claude Debussy. The words Clair de lune in English translation means moonlight. The song gives off emotional feelings but also makes me feel at peace with myself. It is calming and romantic there is a lot of different feelings that come from the song. When I first learnt to play the piano this was one of the first songs that I learnt to play. It was easy to follow and such a beautiful sound.
Letter notes
G G° E° D° E° D°
C° D° C° E° C° B C° B
A B A D° A G A G F G F
E° E° F° E° A° E° D° E° D°
C° D° C° B
C G G° E° D° E° D°
C° D° G° E° D° E° D° C°
C° D° A° G° E° D° E° D° C° A
E° D° D° D° C° C° C° B B B C° A
E° F° E° D° E° D° C° D° C° B D° C° A
F A C° B F
F G D° C° A
Number notes
5 5° 3° 2° 3° 2°
1° 2° 1° 3° 1° 7 1° 7
6 7 6 2° 6 5 6 5 4 5 4
3° 3° 4° 3° 6° 3° 2° 3° 2°
1° 2° 1° 7
1 5 5° 3° 2° 3° 2°
1° 2° 5° 3° 2° 3° 2° 1°
1° 2° 6° 5° 3° 2° 3° 2° 1° 6
3° 2° 2° 2° 1° 1° 1° 7 7 7 1° 6
3° 4° 3° 2° 3° 2° 1° 2° 1° 7 2° 1° 6
4 5 7 6 4
4 4 4 4 5 4
4 6 1° 7 4
4 4 4 4 5 4
4 5 2° 1° 6
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