Down in the River to Pray is a traditional American gospel folk song that has been performed by various artists over the years. The song's lyrics reflect themes of spiritual cleansing, redemption, and salvation through baptism. It describes individuals gathering by the river to pray for forgiveness of their sins and to seek a closer connection with God. The repetitive nature of the lyrics and the soothing melody create a contemplative atmosphere, inviting listeners to reflect on their faith and the importance of spiritual renewal.
Letter notes
G G A C° C°C°C°C°C° C°
D°D°D° E° D° C° E° D° C° A
G E G A C° A C°
E° D° C° C° A G
D° D° C° E° G° D° C°
E° D° C° C°C° A G
D° D° C° E° G° D° C°
E° D° C°C°C° A G
Number notation
5 5 6 1° 1°1°1°1°1° 1°
2°2°2° 3° 2° 1° 3° 2° 1° 6
5 3 5 6 1° 6 1°
3° 2° 1° 1° 6 5
2° 2° 1° 3° 5° 2° 1°
3° 2° 1° 1°1° 6 5
2° 2° 1° 3° 5° 2° 1°
3° 2° 1°1°1° 6 5
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